The Soul Plan Series: #5 Spirit and Freedom

True freedom is always spiritual. It has something to do with your innermost being, which cannot be chained, handcuffed, or put into a jail – Osho, Freedom: The Courage to Be Yourself

Freedom is a concept with many different interpretations, relating to an infinite number of areas.  Each area is as important as the last.  The freedom to be able to live our lives as we desire is essential to our very existence.  It colours how we live, why we live and our opinions of ourselves.  This is true on a physical and a spiritual level

Soul plans give an insight into both these elements in our  lives.  When we find freedom we have the space to explore ourselves, our spirituality and our truth.  Just as freedom’s importance is omnipresent throughout the universe however, the amount of things that can rob us of our freedom are beyond measure.

Find out what gives you freedom, or if anything is  taking away your freedom away with a Soul Plan reading.  Click here for more information.

Soul Plan, Spirit, Freedom, Minding the Soul, Rochester, Susan Cox, Medway, Kent

#5 Spirit and Freedom

Love and blessings,

Susan x

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