Anchor to the breath and enjoy the miracles of the moment


Hello Beautiful People.

In mindfulness meditation we use the breath – this vital source – our life force as an anchor to bring us back to the present moment.
Do not anchor in the past, it has gone,
Do not anchor in the future, it is yet to come.
Anchor in the present, moment by moment and enjoy your everyday miracles of the moment . Stay with the breath.

Love and Blessings to you all xx

Mindfulness Meditation Workshop This Saturday 9th August!

“Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will); being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won’t).” – James Baraz

I can’t wait for the workshop, and a chance to celebrate and share mindfulness!  Interested?  You will learn some meditation exercises to help with relaxation, breathing, concentration, stress reduction and clarity of mind.

As part of the participation of the course you will receive a meditation CD to use at home. For those considering introducing meditation in to their lives you may wish to join one of our 8 week mindfulness meditation courses.  Book now by calling 07815 783 250 or 01634 303617 or emailing  Places are limited and are only bookable in advance

 Time: 10.00 – 13.00 | Investment: £25.00 per person

The Farthings, 9 Nashenden Lane, Rochester, ME1 3JQ

Introduction To Mindfulness Meditation Workshop Saturday 9th August

Mindfulness meditation is an amazing tool which has been passed down humanity from age to age for thousands of years.  Mindfulness meditation gives the gifts of insight, breathing space, understanding, appreciation and freedom and it is because of this I believe mindfulness meditation should be a gift available to all.  I want to share this amazing practice with you at my mindfulness meditation workshop whether you are new to it meditation or a regular meditator.

I would be delighted if you wanted to join me Saturday the 9th of August between 10am and 1pm for a workshop on mindfulness meditation.  I don’t promise to make you master meditators but I will show you the benefits of mindfulness meditation and how it can transform your life.  During this workshop you will learn some meditation exercises to help with relaxation, breathing, concentration, stress reduction and clarity of mind.

As part of the participation of the course you will receive a meditation CD to use at home. For those considering introducing meditation in to their lives you may wish to join one of our 8 week mindfulness meditation courses.  Book now by calling 07815 783 250 or 01634 303617 or emailing  Places are limited and are only bookable in advance


Time: 10.00 – 13.00

Investment: £25.00 per person

The Farthings

9 Nashenden Lane



Mindfulness Meditation Evening In My New Meditation Space This Wednesday

Mindfulness, Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, Evening, Kent, Rochester, Medway

Good evening,

I’m excited to announce that this Wednesday (4th June) I will be running a Mindfulness Meditation evening from 7pm.  I’m even more excited because this will be the first event in my new meditation space!

The evening will explore what meditation is all about and will include several meditations covering guided and silent forms.  My aim is to show you the benefits meditation can bring to your lives and no previous experience is needed, just a curiousity to learn and grow, although equally it will grow any experiences and techniques you may already have developed.

I will provide chairs and mats but you are welcome to bring your own, as well as cushions, blankets, meditation benches, etc.  I will also provide refreshments.  The night will cost £5.00 and it would be a pleasure for you to attend and mark this special occasion with me.

The address is The Farthing, Nashenden Lane, Rochester ME1 3JQ.  Please email or phone me if you are interested on 07815 783250 or even if you would just like more information.

Love and blessings,

Susan xx

Mindfulness, Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, Evening, Kent, Rochester, Medway


Sanskrit Meditation Mantras – Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama, Jaya, Jaya Rama (Used By Gandhi)

The final mantra I will bring you is the meditation used by Mahatma Gandhi for 60 years.

As well as helping to remove negtive karmic effects Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama, Jaya, Jaya Rama also invites healing, harmony and enlightenment.

For more information on mantras visit:

Yoga Basics

Sanskrit Mantra

Love and blessings,

Susan xx

Sanskrit Meditation Mantras – Om Namah Shivaya

Today’s mantra is a tool for honouring and loving yourself.

Whilst we need to make room for sending love to others, it all begins with ourselves.  Love, respect and confidence begin from within and allow us to help and grow with those around us.

Om Namah Shivaya focuses on this and in it’s traditional translation translates as

I bow to Shiva, the supreme deity of transformation who represents the truest, highest self.

In modern times it has been used by gurus such as the guru to EAT PRAY LOVE author Elizabeth Gilbert.  It has been used in modern times as

“I honour the divinity within myself.”

I would like to thank Mind Body Green for the information.


Sanskrit Meditation Mantras – Om Mani Padme Hum

Good afternoon beautiful people,

I’d like to share with you the beautiful and complementary powers of sanskrit meditation mantras to help assist in your meditation.  Said on a regular basis these can change the way you think and invite energies into your life.  Sanskrit sylables and words resonate with us in our bodies and our higher selves.

This is the first of three posts, but before we get on to today’s mantra let us consider that most famous mantra ‘OM’.  Sometimes celebrated and sometimes ridiculed by the media; ‘OM’ is considered to help us achieve harmonic resonance with higher powers and is a corner stone of sanskrit mantras.  It has been described as the sound of the Universe when comparing it to the pitch of the universe – 432 Hertz, which is the natural musical pitch of the Universe (Mandy Burstein, yoga instructor and writer).

The first mantra I would like to show you is another famous mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum.  Known as the universal mantra, it is often translated as ‘I am the jewel of the Lotus flower’.  In Tibetan Buddhism it invokes and invites feelings of compassion.  Find more information here.

Om Mani Padme Hum is pronounced Ohm mah nee pahd may hum.

Love and blessings,

Susan xx

Kundalini Yoga – Try It And Invite It Into Your Life Ft. 30 Min Session Video

On these restful days I hope you find plenty of peace, enjoyment and growth.  I would like to recommend Kundalini as one area of growth.  As described by Kundalini is:

untapped energy (prana) at the base of the spine that can be drawn up through the body awakening each of the seven chakras. Full enlightenment occurs when this energy reaches the crown chakra at the top of the head. Kundalini energy is often represented as a snake coiled at the bottom of the spine.

The practice of yoga of any kind, and especially Kundalini yoga brings a great deal of peace to your life.  If it feels right I wholeheartedly recommend you make it part of your regular routine, as it also links into practices such as mindfulness, meditation and manifestation.

Kundalini yoga centers much more on spiritual practices and awareness and is less physical than some yogas.  However DO NOT go beyond what feels comfortable for your body or causes pain.  Your body will improve over time, as will your spirit so there is no need to rush anything straight away.  I also recommend that if you do enjoy Kundalini yoga do it on a regular basis, occasional bursts of yoga followed by long periods of no practice may be harmful.

But please do try Kundalini yoga and see if it works for you.  If it does and becomes part of your routine the benefits on all levels could be amazing!

Love and blessings,

Susan xx

Mindfulness Meditation

Good evening,

After discussing feelings buried alive and EFT & Matrix Reimprinting I want to bring to the fore Mindfulness Meditation. It is so beautifully simple and clear how these all work hand in hand.  Like striking tapestry they blend effortlessly.

In Mindfulness Meditation we learn to see things how they really are in all areas of our life, without judgement.

When we practice Mindfulness Meditation we also learn to slow down, hold things to the light and stop fuelling negative thoughts.  We no longer get involved in the story of thoughts; because when we do we keep our self in a constant state of fight or flight which holds the body in a state of stress.  If we stay in this state it ultimately takes us in a downward spiral keeping us on the same merry go round of destruction, manifesting di-ease of the body and mind.

When embarking on a course of Mindful Meditation we train our mind to stay put; re-training the neural pathways in our brain and thus altering our habitual behaviour, attitudes, core beliefs and self-talk that become ingrained within us.  We learn to become aware and accepting of things in our life without judgement. We accept things just as they are, learning to respond rather than react to situations and things that happen in our everyday life.

Minding the Soul, Mindfulness, Meditation, Susan Cox

A compassion for others that perhaps we have never experienced prior to meditation is awakened within us. We learn to love our self – something this is often difficult to do.  Joy, peace and happiness follow.

When I embarked on my first eight week Mindfulness Meditation course with a wonderful teacher called Joyce Chi I had no idea what to really expect. My eight week journey was the start of a major personal transformation; one journey which I will be eternally grateful for.

I found this eight week experience so beneficial and profound that I became a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and now offer my own series of courses including the eight week Mindfulness Meditation course.

If I can help you on your journey in whatever capacity that happens to be or you would like to join me on one of the courses I offer.  Find more information here, register your interest by emailing me or subscribing to the mailing list

Love and Blessings Susan xx