Hello again its been a while. I wanted kick off with a writing by someone dear to me, a person that has been to the dept of darkness. By Understandme – Instagram Existing but not living they say. Lonely, but not even alone today. Tired, but suffering from insomnia every night. The darkness consumes me, I can’t find the light. Try harder they say. They don’t understand, maybe it will come their way. I never thought it could happen to me. A happy soul, positive and free. Self hate consumes my head. So much to do but I can’t get out of bed. I want to give up, just here waiting for my spell of good luck. Be careful what you wish for they say, it’s all a game until it chooses you to play. So much stigma comes with it, it was a time where I have never felt so SHIT. Why did I answer when it knocked on the door? It was hard to shut, it happens to one in four. I lost all my important skills, communication, interacting – such import drills. You lose a sense of who you are. Wherever I went, it wasn’t far. So I say please keep going, you aren’t alone. Whenever you’re down just pick up the phone, call anyone, text or email. Book an appointment, breath, inhale, exhale. The light is at the end of the tunnel we all need a shoulder to cry on. Keep going, you’ll come out a strong one. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, I say hang on a little longer. Change what you eat, exercise and try remedies for sleep, this will all end and when you look back one day it won’t seem as deep. Try new things counselling, therapy or exercise, you may not think it will work but it may do to your surprise. My sister used to say “you didn’t come this far too only come this far” take a drive, it may help – in the car. But all I ask is keep going, each day will get a little easier than the one before. Everyday you will feel stronger a little more ….. Let me know your thoughts on it, I appreciate and welcome comments  Understanding Me. Copy Right Understand Me Feel free to forward any question or comments to info@mindingthesoul.co.uk and we will forward these on to Understand Me who respond back to yu direct. Love and Blessings Susan x

August Mindfulness Group

Good morning beautiful people!

I am running a Mindfulness 8 week course from the 5th August and still have some places left.  The evening course will run from 7pm.  We will be looking at Mindfulness and well-being.

The course covers:

  1. Orientation and Breathing
  2. Stress
  3. Meditation and Physical Pain
  4. Emotional Stress, Anxiety and Depression
  5. Role Stress and Time Pressure
  6. Taking Care of Yourself
  7. Elevated Function
  8. Changing Your Life

I’d love to see you there!  Click here for more information, Email me at susan@mindingthesoul.co.uk or call (+44)01634 303617 / 07815 783250 to book a place.

Love and blessings,

Susan xx

NEWS FLASH ——– Mindfulness What Next ?

Hello Beautiful People,

I wanted to share my news with you  –  MIndfulness What Next ?

I have been invited to participate and dialogue with key leaders in the field of Mindfulness and Meditation in London tomorrow 14th July.

This is hosted by Lord Stone of Blackheath and Sister Jayanti. Also attending will be De Craig Hassed, Michael West and Dr Sarah Eagger.

I am so proud to have be presented with such an opportunity and look sharing forward to entering into discussion with fellow key leaders.

I will update you with details of the discussion in due course.

Love and Blessings

Susan x

Expressing Gratitude Is Linked To A Healthier Heart, Study Finds

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Gratitude doesn’t just warm your heart, it may also lead to a healthier one, a new study suggests.

Research published by the American Psychological Association found patients with asymptomatic heart failure showed decreased levels of inflammatory biomarkers in the body, which are related to improved cardiac health. The study consisted of 186 men and women who kept a gratitude journal for eight weeks as they received regular clinical care.

“It seems that a more grateful heart is indeed a more healthy heart, and that gratitude journaling is an easy way to support cardiac health,” wrote lead author Paul J. Mills, Ph.D., professor of family medicine and public health at the University of California, San Diego. The study also found that gratitude contributed to spiritual well-being, which was associated with improved mood and better sleep.

This isn’t the first time researchers have discovered a positive association between thankfulness and an improved heart. A 1995 study published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that positive emotions and appreciation are linked with changes in heart rate variability. The new APA findings also saw heart rate variability changes in the patients who had a thankful outlook.

The study results add to a growing list of reasons to express gratitude beyond the Thanksgiving table. Research has shown that thankfulness can increase optimism, strengthen your relationships, improve your immune system and even offset the effects of materialism.

Now that is something to be grateful for.


Love and Blessings

Emerging from the STUCKNESS

Questions to ask yourself

Why is it so fearful ? – face it accept it is only change – Growth.

  1. What is there to lose ?
  2. What is the worst that can happen ? – Freedom
  3. Am I content to live the rest of my life in this way ?  – You know the answer to this

Recognition of Changes, Acceptance, Awareness

Set your goals write then in your journal, these need to be in small bite size pieces which are achievable and in your own timing and by your choice – building your foundations for the next part or your life. Enjoy the journey.

Mindfulness Meditation Bi Weekly Group

Dear Mindful People,

This is just a reminder of Mindfulness and Meditation is this Wednesday the 18th March . We start mindfulness meditation at 7.30pm and finish 9.00pm, the cost is £5.00.

For those who do not know  – I am an experienced meditation teacher and leads this evening group,  My gentle, caring and clear tuition will guide you through a series of meditations, both guided and silent , exploring and explaining what meditation is all about and the benefits it could offer to you, should you choose to make it part of your everyday.

We will look at the mental, spiritual and physical health benefits of meditation and much more along the way. This is suitable for people with no prior meditation experience and those more advanced.

Chairs and matts will be available, however feel free to bring cushions, blankets,  meditation benches etc.. Refreshments are also provided.

Please let me know if you would like to come along. The Farthings, 9 Nashenden Lane, Rochester, ME1 3JQ  First come first serve.

If in the mean while you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me. TEL 07815 783 250

Love and Blessings

Susan xxx

EFT and Matrix Reimprinting

Well Hello Beautiful People,

What a wonderful week I had last week. I was invited to offer three talks at the Mind Body and Soul Spa Fitness Breaks in Basingstoke. WOW. My talks were on EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, Your Healing Energy and Mindfulness Meditation and they were packed and went down very very well. So many people very enriched in many ways, it was lovely to point so many in a positive way.

To follow that I facilitated my EFT Level 1 & 2 and now we have 6 new practitioners, wonderful, such lovely souls. Please welcome them.
EFT Level 2 20150301_174453

What’s next ? This Friday I have been invited to deliver a stress reduction short workshops to 6th form students in Tonbridge, I am so looking forward to that, more wonderful souls awakening.

I trust life is good with you.

Love and Blessings Susan xxx

Simply Be


Take time out to Just Simply Be …. Allow things to emerge and accept things as they are – do not question, just embrace what comes up and allow whatever emotions or feeling arise to just move through you.

Be Accepting of how things are…… Do Not Judge …..

Love and Blessings to you all xx

Make That Change – Illness to Stillness in 2015

During the course of 2014, I helped so many people of all ages move from Illness to Stillness as they face their person pain, often deep rooted in childhood trauma. The transformation for some was immense for others enough to put them back on track and gain an understanding of themselves and move forward without fear.

I say to you reading this, do not suffer in silence. If you find yourself in personal pain, confusion, anxious, fearful, depressed, with phobias, unable to sleep, do not suffer in silence, take the steps to take your power back by seeking help and make 2015 the year you change your life.